Money Record Apps

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The source code for the Money Record app is written in Dart using the Flutter framework. The app's code is organized into several classes and widgets, each responsible for a specific aspect of the app's functionality.

The "main.dart" file is the entry point of the app and initializes the app's MaterialApp widget. The app's navigation is implemented using the Flutter Navigator widget.

The app's database functionality is implemented using the mysql1 package, which allows the app to connect to a MySQL server and execute SQL queries. The app's database is designed to store information about the user's financial transactions and spending categories, similar to the description provided earlier.

The app's user interface is implemented using Flutter widgets, with a Material Design-inspired design. The home screen displays a summary of the user's financial transactions, and includes a floating action button to allow users to add new transactions.

The app's transaction list is implemented using a ListView widget, with each transaction displayed in a custom widget that includes the transaction date, amount, category, and description.

The app's categories screen is implemented using a similar ListView widget, with each category displayed in a custom widget that includes the category name and color.

Overall, the source code for the Money Record app in Flutter and MySQL is designed to be modular, easy to maintain, and scalable, with a focus on providing a clean and intuitive user interface for managing financial transactions.

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  • 📁 Money Record Apps

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